How God's Servants are a Great Blessing in our lives

God's word says that there is time for everything. It tells us what to do, when to do, when not to do and how our activities contribute to our success in life. But just think about having an angel beside you to guide you and bring many more good things in your life. Such God's angels are working through God's servants who devote, dedicate and serve God The Manna.

A popular chorus says "Is anything too hard for my Lord, No nothing is too hard for my Lord".

To build, grow and renew our faith, there are two important rules to follow and that is, first to pray and read God's word and second the keep a constant communication and fellowship with God's servants.

They will help and guide to keep our lives successful and fruitful.  Because, God's servants are always working in His vineyard and they know the hard labor and secret of God's blessings.

What you can do and contribute to the kingdom of God is all about your cherished experience with the Lord Almighty and if you endeavor to be faithful and obedient, you must spend more time in prayer, discipline your life and do good whenever God  can.


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