God Helps To Trust in Him Every Day

Day by day, there is some opportunity for us to get connected to God The Manna. But we are very busy taking care of our works. Even if you have been regularly praying and reading His holy word, at times you realize that God is very silent when you pray. You wish that God answers your prayers soon and you enjoy the miracles. But why is that God is so slow in His blessing. There could be several reasons and some of them could be:

1. Trust and abide in Him More and More

We often declare ourselves as more pious and faithful, but our surrender may not be pure as God examines our hearts, thoughts, actions and conversations. God The Mann a is a faithful God and he wants us to abide in Him not just one day, but every day.

2. Give Him your heartfelt Lordship

God The Manna is a giver. He will bless you abundantly and all that he is looking for is your clean and pure heart. He wants you to surrender your works to him and Lord when he was living in this world, several occasions, he said, "I am The Way, The Truth and The Life".

3. Lean on His understanding

Many a times, we make our own decisions and so busy in working on our ideas. But the fact is, He has known us before and He waits on us to call on Him, to Pray, to surrender, to abide and lead a successful life. It is our main and primary duty to trust     him, rely on him, praise him and look forward to His understanding.

4. Trust in Him every day

When we  commit our day to the Lord, he takes control and begins to act on our behalf. He will take care of us. He will surely bless us when we trust in Him every day.


Our hearts must be led to the mercy-seat of the Lord. When we seek him constantly, He will find us and we will join him in His fellowship to be called as children of God. We just need to surrender.


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