
Showing posts from August, 2014

God The Manna Waiting to Hear Your Prayer Request

There are many wants and needs for you and you wish that these be fulfilled successfully. You may not be willing to wait, but wish that wonders work very fast in a surprising manner. Truly God works for those who put forth their prayer requests diligently and with surrendered hearts. How to pray? Is it possible to spend most of your time in prayer, so that God The Manna can take care of all your needs.  Prayer that connects you to God When you sit for prayer, begin your conversation or meditate upon His word. Remember all His deeds and miracles and you will experience His Glory and feel confident that miracles will happen in your life. Pray and submit your thoughts, requests and praise Him. Praise and prayer puts God to Work God is full of mercy and kindness and he is ever willing to heed your prayer requests. Its just that yo should make a constant interaction with God saying Lord, I need you, please help me to grow in your faith and mould me according to thy will. C